Unlock the hidden "Episode IV: A New Hope" level and play until you reach the first split in the path. This is useful when trying to get perfect studs. If you follow it around the entire room, money will still appear.

Additionally, in the Discovery On Kamino level, if you encounter the broom where you had R4 to open the gate, use the Force on it. You can sometimes get a few thousand studs. Instead, leave the diner and break all "trash cans" by the doors outside. Easy studsĪfter completing each level, do not continue. You can get at least 6,000 to 7,000 studs with each pass. Hit all the switches again to gain more studs. Even though the force fields are down, the switches have reset. Darth Maul will be in his first position, but all of the force fields are still down. Instead, run back the way you came until you are in the previous room. Finish the last force field, but do not follow Darth Maul. Get to near the end of the chapter when you are taking down the red force fields. Play Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Chapter 6: Darth Maul in Story mode or Free Play mode. Successfully complete Episode IV - A New Hope to unlock Darth Vader and the Stormtrooper the Rebel Trooper for purchase for 1,000 studs, and Princess Leia for purchase for 50,000 studs. After this is done in all levels the Tantive IV superkit model outside will become available. Keep collecting them until the Jedi bar is full and flashing to get one superkit piece. Collect all pre-positioned studs in all levels.